FullyEvalableOver RΒΆ

equation1.spad line 273 [edit on github]

This category provides a selection of evaluation operations depending on what the argument type R provides.

elt: (%, R) -> % if R has Eltable(R, R)

from Eltable(R, %)

eval: (%, Equation R) -> % if R has Evalable R

from Evalable R

eval: (%, List Equation R) -> % if R has Evalable R

from Evalable R

eval: (%, List R, List R) -> % if R has Evalable R

from InnerEvalable(R, R)

eval: (%, List Symbol, List R) -> % if R has InnerEvalable(Symbol, R)

from InnerEvalable(Symbol, R)

eval: (%, R, R) -> % if R has Evalable R

from InnerEvalable(R, R)

eval: (%, Symbol, R) -> % if R has InnerEvalable(Symbol, R)

from InnerEvalable(Symbol, R)

map: (R -> R, %) -> %

map(f, ex) evaluates ex, applying f to values of type R in ex.

Eltable(R, %) if R has Eltable(R, R)

Evalable R if R has Evalable R

InnerEvalable(R, R) if R has Evalable R

InnerEvalable(Symbol, R) if R has InnerEvalable(Symbol, R)