NModuleBasis nΒΆ

qetaqmev.spad line 187

NModuleBasis(n) represents the generators of an N-submodule of N^n.

empty: () -> %
empty() represents the empty module basis.
insert: (Vector Integer , %) -> %
insert(v, x) returns a new basis z such that z=x if v is already a N-linear combination of the elements of x. Otherwise, z is the union of v with all elements from x that are not an N-multiple of v. assert(v.i>0 for i in 1..n)
members: % -> List Vector Integer
members(x) returns a basis of the (sub-)module such that no element is a N-linear combination of the other elements.
reduce: (Vector Integer , %) -> Vector Integer
reduce(v, x) returns a vector z such that reducible?(z,x) is false and v-z is a N-linear combination of elements from x.
reducible?: (Vector Integer , %) -> Boolean
reducible?(v, x) returns true if the vector v is N-linear combination of elements in x where N is the ring of natural numbers.
sup: % -> Vector Integer
sup(x) returns a minimal (w.r.t reducibility) element that is reducible by every element of x. If x is empty, it returns the zero vector. sup(x) is the supremum (w.r.t. reducibility) of all elements in x.
supSum: % -> Integer
supSum(x) returns the sum of the entries of sup(x).