QAuxiliaryModularPackage LΒΆ

qetaauxmeq.spad line 675


annihilateCoefficients: (PositiveInteger , List Polynomial Integer , Polynomial Integer -> L) -> Polynomial Integer -> Polynomial Integer

annihilateLeadingCoefficients: (PositiveInteger , Polynomial Integer -> L) -> Polynomial Integer -> Polynomial Integer
annihilateLeadingCoefficients(p, ev)(pol) adds a p-multiple to any monomial of pol and returns a polynomial z such that the evaluation order ev(z) >= order ev(pol) and the order of ev(z) is as big as it can be made by varying each of the monomials, i.e. we expect order(ev z) = order(ev pol) + #monomials(pol) - 1. The polynomial pol is assumed to be nonzero.