
qetatool.spad line 121 [edit on github]

Miscellaneous tools to deal with polynomials.

clearDenominator: Polynomial Fraction Integer -> Polynomial Integer

clearDenominator(p) multiplies the polynomial p over rational numbers with the least common multiple of all its coefficients and returns the result as a polynomial over the integers.

indexedSymbol: (String, List Integer) -> Symbol

indexedSymbol(s, l) returns a symbol with a name that starts with the string s and is directly followed by the numbers of l separated by underscores (“__”).

indexedSymbols: (String, List Integer) -> List Symbol

indexedSymbols(s, l) returns indexedSymbols(s, [[n] for n in l]).

indexedSymbols: (String, List List Integer) -> List Symbol

indexedSymbols(s, ll) returns [indexedSymbol(s,l) for l in ll].

indexedSymbols: (String, NonNegativeInteger) -> List Symbol

indexedSymbols(s, n) returns indexedSymbols(s, [i for i in 1..n])