qetaaux.spad line 109 [edit on github]
QEtaAuxiliaryPackage helps to do computations with eta-quotients that are modular functions.
- dedekindSum: (Integer, Integer) -> Fraction Integer
returns for two relatively prime integersp
the Dedekind sum as defined by dedekindSum(p
- fractionalBernoulli1: Fraction Integer -> Fraction Integer
- 1/2 wheret
is the fractional part ofx
, i.e.t
- floor(x
- fractionalBernoulli2: Fraction Integer -> Fraction Integer
+ 1/6 wheret
is the fractional part ofx
, i.e.t
- floor(x
- fractionalPart: Fraction Integer -> Fraction Integer
- floor(x
- generalizedDedekindSum: (PositiveInteger, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) -> Fraction Integer
returns the generalized Dedekind sum as defined in cite[p~673
]{Yang:GeneralizedDedekindEtaFunctions} by generalizedDedekindSum(nn
) = sum(sawTooth((g+i*nn)/(q*nn))*sawTooth((g’+p*i*nn)/(q*nn)),i=1
-1). Condition: one?gcd
- jacobiLowerStar: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer
See, for example, Definition 2.26 in the
thesis of Silviu Radu.http://www3
- jacobiUpperStar: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer
See, for example, Definition 2.26 in the
thesis of Silviu Radu.http://www3
- kappaSchoeneberg: (PositiveInteger, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) -> Fraction Integer
kappaSchoeneberg(nn, g, h, a, b, c, d)
returns a valuex
such that eta_{g
}(mat*tau) = exp(2*%pi*%i*x) * eta_{g'
}(tau) as given at the top of page 673 of cite{Yang_GeneralizedDedekindEtaFunctions_2004
} where mat=matrix[[a,b
]]. See also eqref{eq:kappa_g-h
- kappaSchoeneberg: (PositiveInteger, Integer, Integer, Matrix Integer) -> Fraction Integer
kappaSchoeneberg(nn, g, h, mat)
returns a valuex
such that eta_{g
}(mat*tau) = exp(2*%pi*%i*x) * eta_{g'
}(tau) as given at the top of page 673 of cite{Yang_GeneralizedDedekindEtaFunctions_2004
}. See also eqref{eq:kappa_g-h
- kappaYang: (PositiveInteger, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) -> Fraction Integer
kappaYang(nn, g, h, a, b, c, d)
returns a valuex
such that E_{g
}(mat*tau) = exp(2*%pi*%i*x) * E_{g'
}(tau) as given in cite[Theorem~1
} where mat = matrix [[a,b
]]. Condition: not zero?c
- kappaYang: (PositiveInteger, Integer, Integer, Matrix Integer) -> Fraction Integer
kappaYang(nn, g, h, mat)
returns a valuex
such that E_{g
}(mat*tau) = exp(2*%pi*%i*x) * E_{g'
}(tau) as given in cite[Theorem~1
}. Condition: not zero? mat(2,1).
- matrixAtkinLehner: (PositiveInteger, PositiveInteger) -> Matrix Integer
matrixAtkinLehner(m, t)
a Hall divisor (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hall_subgroup) ofm
returns the 2x2 matrix with entries [[t
, -a], [m
]] such that n=m/t andt*b
+ n*a = 1, see cite{Kohnen_WeierstrassPointsAtInfinity_2004
- minimalSquareRootOfUnity: PositiveInteger -> PositiveInteger
returns an integern
such that inZ
) (wherex
is a primitiven
-th root of unity) there exists an elementy
such that y^2=p.p
must be a radical integer, i.e. should not contain the square of a prime.
- minimizeVector: (Vector Integer, List Vector Integer) -> Vector Integer
, basis) computesvps
concat [w
in bas | (w:=v+b; dot(w
concat [w
in bas | (w:=v-b
; dot(w
)] From these vectors it takes the one with minimal length as the newv
and iterates as long as concat(vps
) is not empty. This minimal vector is eventually returned.
- modularGamma0?: (PositiveInteger, List Integer) -> Boolean
) returnstrue
iff the eta-quotient corresponding tor
is a modular function forGamma_0
). It is equivalent to zero?(modularGamma0
- modularGamma0: (PositiveInteger, List Integer) -> Integer
modularGamma0(nn, r)
returns 0 if all conditions are fulfilled. Otherwise it returns a positive number in the range 1 to 4 that corresponds to the condition that is not met. This corresponds to the conditions given forR
) on page 226 of cite{Radu_RamanujanKolberg_2015
} and to the conditions eqref{eq:sum=0
}, eqref{eq:pure-rhoinfinity}, eqref{eq:pure-rho0
}, and eqref{eq:productsquare} in qeta.tex. It is equivalent to check whether there is an extensionv
such that matrixModular(nn
is 0.
- numberOfGaps: (PositiveInteger, List PositiveInteger) -> NonNegativeInteger
numberOfGaps(n, l)
computes reduce(+, [floor(x/n
) forx
], 0).
- primePower: (PositiveInteger, PositiveInteger) -> NonNegativeInteger
primePower(d, p)
such thatgcd
, i.e. the highest powere
such that p^e is a factor ofd
- rationalSquareRoot: Fraction Integer -> Record(rat: Fraction Integer, rootOf: PositiveInteger)
= rationalSquareRoot(x
) thenx
= (z
- sawTooth: Fraction Integer -> Fraction Integer
is 0 ifx
is an integer andfractionalBernoulli1
) otherwise.
- splitMatrix: (Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) -> Record(red: Matrix Integer, triang: Matrix Integer)
splitMatrix(a, b, c, d)
returns a record rec that contains two matrices rec.red=m1
and rec.triang=m2
such thatmat=m1*m2
according to cide[Lemma~4
}, but in a variation as described in qeta.tex, i.e. such that 0<=m2(1,2)<det(mat)/g
) and mat=[[a,b
]]. Input condition: a*d-b*c>0
- splitMatrix: (Matrix Integer, Integer) -> Record(red: Matrix Integer, triang: Matrix Integer)
splitMatrix(mat, delta)
computes splitMatrix(mat
, delta, 1, 0). Input condition: determinant(mat
- splitMatrix: (Matrix Integer, Integer, PositiveInteger, NonNegativeInteger) -> Record(red: Matrix Integer, triang: Matrix Integer)
splitMatrix(mat, delta, m, lambda)
computes splitMatrix(a,b
) where the arguments are the matrix entries of matrix [[delta
, delta*lambda], [0,m
]]*mat. Input condition: determinant(mat
- upsilonExponent: (Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) -> Integer
in {0..23} such that exp(pi*i*z/12) is a multiplier in the transformation of an eta-function by the matrix [[a,b
]] fromSL_2
). A definition can be found in cite[Lemma~2