ModularSiftedEtaQuotient(C, mx, CX, xi, LX)ΒΆ

qetafun.spad line 3373

ModularSiftedEtaQuotient is a generalization of ModularEtaQuotient. It holds the expansions of F_{r, s, m, t}(tau) at all cusps of $Gamma_0(N)$. See eqref{eq:F_r-s-m-t(gamma*tau)}. The domain serves as the representation of the underlying q-series.

=: (%, %) -> Boolean
from BasicType
~=: (%, %) -> Boolean
from BasicType
coerce: % -> OutputForm
from CoercibleTo OutputForm
expandAtAllCusps: SymbolicModularSiftedEtaQuotient -> %
expandAtAllCusps(y) represents the q-expansion of $F_{r,s,m,t}(gamma tau)$ at all cusps of $Gamma_0(N)$ where N=level(y).
expansions: % -> XHashTable (Fraction Integer , LX)
expansions(x) returns the Laurent series expansions of $F_{r, s, m, t}(tau)$ at all cusps of Gamma_0(N).
hash: % -> SingleInteger
from SetCategory
hashUpdate!: (HashState , %) -> HashState
from SetCategory
latex: % -> String
from SetCategory
level: % -> PositiveInteger
level(x) returns nn such that x corresponds to a modular function for Gamma_0(nn).
metadata: % -> SymbolicModularSiftedEtaQuotient
metadata(x) returns y such that expandAtAllCusps(y)=x


CoercibleTo OutputForm
