
qetasymb.spad line 391 [edit on github]

SymbolicEtaQuotientLambdaGamma holds data to compute an eta quotient expansion of g_{r,m,lambda}(gamma tau). See eqref{eq:g_r-m-lambda(gamma*tau)} and eqref{eq:g_r-m—lambda(gamma*tau)}.

=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

cdExponent: % -> Fraction Integer

cdExponent(x) returns the sum over all rd*cdExponent(f) where f runs over all parts of definingSpecification(x) and rd is the corresponding exponent of the eta-function specification.

coerce: % -> OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

definingSpecification: % -> QEtaSpecification

If x=etaQuotient(rspec,m,lambda,gamma)), then definingSpecification(x) returns purify(rspec).

elt: (%, List Integer) -> SymbolicEtaGamma

elt(x, [delta.g]) returns the data corresponding to the respective (delta, g) pair. Note that the pure eta-functions are indexed via (delta, -1).

etaQuotient: (QEtaSpecification, PositiveInteger, NonNegativeInteger, Matrix Integer) -> %

etaQuotient(rspec,m,lambda,gamma) represents the expansion of $g_{bar{r},m,lambda}(gammatau)$ in terms of $q=exp(2ipitau)$ and gamma=matrix[[a,b],[c,d]] represents the cusp a/c. $bar{r}$ is given by rspec.

hash: % -> SingleInteger

from SetCategory

hashUpdate!: (HashState, %) -> HashState

from SetCategory

lambda: % -> NonNegativeInteger

If x=etaQuotient(rspec,m,lambda,gamma)), then lambda(x) returns lambda.

latex: % -> String

from SetCategory

multiplier: % -> PositiveInteger

If x=etaQuotient(rspec,m,lambda,gamma)), then multiplier(x) returns the m.

qExponent: % -> Fraction Integer

qExponent(e) returns the order of the expansion of e in $q=exp(2ipitau)$ while neglecting the (ctau+d) factor. It corresponds to the exponent of the fourth product of eqref{eq:g_r-m-lambda(gamma*tau)}. Compare also with eqref{eq:modular-g_r(gamma*tau)}.

rationalPrefactor: % -> Fraction Integer

If x=etaQuotient(rspec,m,lambda,gamma)), then rationalPrefactor(x) returns the square of the second product in eqref{eq:g_r-m-lambda(gamma*tau)}. That is the product of rationalPrefactor(y(d,-1))^e for [d,-1,e] in pureParts(rspec).

transformationMatrix: % -> Matrix Integer

If x=etaQuotient(rspec,m,lambda,gamma)), then transformationMatrix(x) returns gamma.

unityExponent: % -> Fraction Integer

If x=etaQuotient(rspec,m,lambda,gamma)), then unityExponent(x) returns the square of the second product in eqref{eq:g_r-m-lambda(gamma*tau)}. That is the sum of unityExponent(y(d,g))*e for [d,g,e] in parts(rspec).


CoercibleTo OutputForm
